Memory Questions with Dissonant Answers

4 Drawings (Memory Questions): Colored pencil, graphite on paper, each 12 x 9 inches

4 Paintings (Dissonant Answers): Acrylic, collage on birch panel, each 16 x 12 inches

Drawings are based on questions that are asked when someone is suspected of having memory loss or dementia. I wrote these with my eyes closed and then filled in and around them with alternating colors and generated shapes.

I made the paintings in response to these questions. The answers move back in time and point to significant dates in history when public figures misled the public. I wrote the answers in fluid paint at the top of each panel and let it drip to the bottom edge. I then wrote the answers again, in cursive, on bristol paper, cut them out and dipped them in paint as a way to collage and embed them into each painting’s surface.